He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them. - 2 Cor 5:15
One really important question to ask yourself is "who am I living for?" Where do you spend the majority of your time? Watching TV? Reading your favorite book? How you spend your time shows you a lot about who you're living for.
In today's Bible verse, it talks about no longer living for yourselves, but living for Christ. Living for yourself is easy and it comes naturally. No one has to teach you to live for yourself, it just happens automatically. Living for Jesus, however, takes some effort.
It takes putting aside the things that might be good, but distract you from spending time with God. It means standing up for the things that matter to God rather than being silent. Living for God takes effort and takes you standing up and going against the flow of everyone else around you.
Living for God, however, brings great rewards to you. By living for God, you get to skip a lot of the heartbreak that comes from not doing things God's way. You also get to enjoy a close and deep relationship with God. Living for God is one of the best decisions you can make. Decide this year that you're going to make a change and begin living for God!
Today's Truth: Living for God Brings Great Rewards
Taken from studentdevos.com.